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Origin, Quality, Processing

Even the indigenous peoples of South America drank Theobroma -the "food of the gods". Recognized as medicine there, this powerful bean has also found its way to Europe, enriching us with countless benefits of various kinds.

We source our Kakaochi raw cacao from Guatemala, where it is lovingly harvested, fermented and dried by a community of cacao farmers. Since Kakaochi places great value on quality and fairness, our cacao is certified organic and we compensate the farmers’ high-quality work not only with fair wages but also support school projects where children learn all about agroforestry - the best cultivation method that often later becomes their source of income. In Austria, the premium cacao is then gently roasted and ground before being formed into our cacao blocks.

Image by Rodrigo Flores

Ingredients & Physical Effects

Raw cacao contains many valuable minerals, including magnesium, zinc and iron, as well as a high amount of flavonoids, which have a lot of benefits for our body including anticancer, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. 

Due to its high theobromine content, cacao acts as a natural mood enhancer and prompts the body to release serotonin. Additionally, because of its dopamine content, it is considered a healthy stimulant and due to its heart-opening effects, it can truly comfort our soul, transforming some "rainy days" into genuine inner sunshine. As raw cacao has detoxifying properties, it is advisable to maintain sufficient water intake. Moreover, it should be noted that excessive consumption can have both constipating and laxative effects.

You can find more details in my cacao BLOG.

Our Kakaochi Collection

  • Coban:

    • Masculine, grounding energy

    • comes from the mountain region called Coban

    • earthy energy

    • robust flavor

      • Available in 250g, 500g & 2.5kg



Kakaochi bean
  • Lachua:

    • Feminine, receptive - flowing energy

    • comes from the region of Lake Lachua

    • water energy

    • fruity, slightly flowery taste

      • Available in 250g, 500g & 2.5kg

  • Polochic:

    • Gentle, sweet energy

    • Due to its low theobromine content, also suitable for children and pregnant women

    • soft fruity flavor

      • Only available in 500g packages!

Kakaochi bean

Price List & Shipping Costs

Kakaochi bean
  • small package (250g): €20.-

  • big package (500g):    €35.-

  • cacao block (2,5kg):  €165.-

  • Flat rate shipping to Austria: €7.-
    Flat rate shipping to Germany: €13.-

  • Free shipping to Austria: from €80.-
    Free shipping to Germany: from €160.-

Information about your Order

  • your full name

  • eMail + shipping address

  • cacao

    • which kind​

    • which size

    • which amount


  See example below!


Kakaochi bean
Kakaochi Order
Kak Pkg warm1.png

Your Kakaochi Order

Thank you for your order! You will soon receive a message as confirmation of your order!

Preparation & Tips

1) Traditionally, raw cacao is consumed on a pure water basis, as (plant) milk only alters the taste and spirit of the cacao, but of course, it’s entirely up to you what you want to add.

2) For daily consumption, a quantity of about 15-20g of cacao mass is recommended, although this can depend on your daily condition and what your body craves and feels good with, just tune in to yourself - you’ll intuitively prepare just the right amount : ) 3) Heat the water/milk - be careful not to overheat it, as cacao loses its valuable nutrients at around 50 degrees. Before adding the cacao mass, I also add spices of my choice and mix them with the liquid, allowing the flavors to fully develop. Cinnamon and cardamom are particularly great, but turmeric, a pinch of salt, and even chili can also enhance the flavor and effects of cacao. Again, feel free to experiment! : ) 4) Now I finally add the cacao and mix it with the warmed liquid. An electric hand frother or a wooden whisk works particularly well for this.

For ceremonial use: typically about 30-35g of cacao per cup.

After all, the plant is considered a sacred medicine in its countries of origin and therefore I really invite you to connect deeply with your cacao.

It is important to me to approach it with great awareness and mindfulness - making contact with the cacao plant during preparation and infusing my wish/request/intention for the day into it. Of course, the decision on how to prepare your cacao is entirely yours, but it is said that this cacao comes into our lives to help restore harmony within us.

Kakao Zeremonie.JPG



For 2 cups you need:

Pot and whisk/electric hand frother


  • 200ml spring water

  • 300ml plant-based milk

  • 20-25g Kakaochi cacao mass, chopped

  • Coffee of your choice (about 2-3 tsp)​​

  • 1 tsp coconut oil

  • 1-2 tsp coconut blossom sugar

  • A pinch each of: salt, vanilla, cinnamon

  • Optional: Vital mushrooms (e.g., Chaga, Reishi, Cordyceps, Lion's Mane), about a knife tip each


Boil the water and pour it over the coffee to filter, for example, in a French press or in your preferred way. Heat the plant-based milk (not too hot, so the cacao retains its ingredients!) and add the cacao, spices, coconut oil, and vital mushrooms. Mix everything as well as possible, preferably with a hand frother or in a blender, until the milk becomes frothy. Finally, add the coffee, and your KakaoFeechi Latte is ready!


For 2 cups you need:

​Powerful blender for Smoothies


  • 500 ml spring water

  • 300 ml plant milk (like almond or oat milk)

  • 20-25 g cacao mass, chopped

  • 1 ripe banana

  • 2 tablespoons hemp seeds, shelled

  • 1 tablespoon goji berries

  • 6 dates, pitted

  • 1 tablespoon honey (or any liquid sweetener)

  • Optional: a pinch of vitality mushrooms (like Chaga, Reishi, Cordyceps, Hericium)

  • A pinch each of salt, vanilla, and cinnamon


Put the water and milk in a blender, add the chopped cacao mass, banana, hemp seeds, goji berries, dates, honey, and the optional mushrooms. Sprinkle in the salts, vanilla, and cinnamon. Blend until all ingredients are well combined and smooth. If it's too thick, you can add more plant milk or water to reach your desired consistency. Taste and Adjust: Taste your smoothie and adjust sweetness or flavor as needed. Pour into a glass and enjoy your healthy treat!

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