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The Pathway to Happiness

My Vision

I am firmly convinced that every living being on this planet has the right to a free, independent and fulfilling life.

Every being on this Earth is equally valuable and no one has the right to place themselves above another. Every tiny creature is as divine and important as each and every one of us.

We are all part of nature, and each of us is a child of our sacred Mother Earth - Pacha Mama - and of the universal cosmos - our Father.

Wunderschöner Sonnenuntergang am See
Meine Hunde und ich am felsigen Strand von Ibiza

​Since this awareness is not yet ubiquitous, I see it as my task to support people in finding their way back to their true nature, for due to societal conditioning and childhood influences, we have all been led into the illusion of separation.

Thus, in my eyes, it is up to each of us to illuminate our destructive constructs and limited belief and behavior patterns, piece by piece, and to dissolve them through processing and transformation. This requires great courage and personal responsibility, as well as a true willingness to change.

Since I know from my own experiences and extensive transformational work about the often very painful processes involved in such a journey to oneself, I can be a great support to people on their path to self-liberation. However, I would like to note two important aspects. First, we are all on our own journeys and, in my opinion, we will never be completely finished with resolving all our issues until our passing - no one is better or 'worse.' Second, I can not take anyone's burdens away. Everyone must take personal responsibility and only you can transform your issues. However, I can provide support as a spiritual and energetic companion, assisting you on your healing path. If each of us carries the willingness to rediscover our divine essence and thereby experiences and lives our true selves, revealing our gifts and sharing them with the world, we can truly achieve peace on Earth. Thus, I share my gifts with all people and animals who seek such support in returning fully to their true power, joy and overall well-being, for there is nothing more beautiful and fulfilling than to show oneself in one’s true greatness and share one’s individual gifts with the world.

Love is one of the beautiful things that grows when it's shared!


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